This article contains spoilers for “Game of Thrones.”
One episode of “Game of Thrones” remains, but many fans have already come to a decision about the show’s final season: They do not like it.
The chart above depicts an imperfect but telling measure of a show’s success: its average user ratings on IMDb, the internet movie database. Users are invited to rate individual episodes of nearly every popular television series. “Game of Thrones” has received the most ratings of any TV show on the site, with more than 2.7 million across its eight seasons. And those ratings have been significantly lower this season.
Episode 3, “The Long Night,” featured an hour-plus epic nighttime battle that was criticized by some for poor lighting. The complaints were prominent enough that the cinematographer felt compelled to respond, saying, “The showrunners decided that this had to be a dark episode,” in an interview given to Wired UK.
But the show’s lowest user ratings have come in the last two episodes, which charted Daenerys’s evolution from savior queen to blood-crazed destroyer of cities. Many viewers complained that these episodes felt rushed. Episode 4, “The Last of the Starks,” received an average of 6.1 from roughly 96,000 users; the average rating for previous seasons was 9.1. For the series as a whole, fans rated four episodes at 9.9, including “The Rains of Castamere” — known by many fans as the episode that contained the Red Wedding — and two of the show’s other major battle episodes, “Hardhome” and “Battle of the Bastards.”
Helen Sloan/HBO
Of course, readers who rate episodes on IMDb do not constitute a representative sample of television-watching Americans or even of all “Game of Thrones” fans. There’s nothing random about people who seek out and rate episodes of the television shows they just watched. Fans who particularly disliked the most recent episodes may be more likely to post reviews, or online reviewers may be demographically different from the show’s viewers as a whole.
But the general pattern shown here is consistent with the aggregate views of critics, who have been more positive about earlier seasons. Some particularly engaged fans have even set up a petition to remake the latest season, with 600,000 people signing on as of Thursday evening.
Trying to please fans at all can be a fool’s errand, particularly for a final season as anticipated as the one for “Thrones.” Dan Weiss, one of the showrunners, acknowledged as much before the season in an interview with Entertainment Weekly: “We also know no matter what we do, even if it’s the optimal version, that a certain number of people will hate the best of all possible versions.”
Popular shows with IMDb ratings that dropped in the final season
“Dexter,” a crime drama about a serial killer, had an average rating of 8.8 before the last season. Its last episode received an average of 4.7, after it took a series of implausible turns in search of a happy ending for its protagonist.
Similarly, “Scrubs,” a medical comedy starring Zach Braff, lost most of its main cast in its final season. User scores dropped drastically.
Users’ ratings for other shows with much-discussed endings have been a mixed bag. The ending for “Lost,” which many viewers felt left more questions than answers, had an average score of 8.3 — not appreciably different from fans’ ratings of other “Lost” episodes. “The Sopranos,” which ended by unexpectedly cutting to black, stunning many viewers, had a 9.1, consistent with fans’ assessments of previous episodes.
Other popular series fared far better, with fan ratings reaching their peaks in the final season or even in the season finale:
Popular shows with IMDb ratings that increased in the final season
Some of these reflect the reality that comedies like “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation,” which ended on high notes among IMDb raters, often have lower stakes and fewer promises to keep. “Veep,” a political satire starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, concluded Sunday with its highest score ever: 9.6.
But some dramas find satisfying endings for fans, too. The finales of “The Americans” and “Friday Night Lights,” for example, received the highest ratings for each series. And even Mr. Weiss acknowledged what he considered a platonic ideal for a series finale in “Breaking Bad,” which received an average 9.9 rating for its final episode.
“I’m hoping for the Breaking Bad [finale] argument where it’s like, ‘Is that an A or an A+?’” he said.
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