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There’s No Boom in Youngstown, but Blue-Collar Workers Are Sticking With Trump

About 40 percent of the union autoworkers at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, voted for Mr. Trump, which was twice the support for Republican presidential candidates in the past, said Tim O’Hara, vice president of United Auto Workers Local 1112, which represents the factory.

He said very few were abandoning the president, even after the plant, which made the Chevy Cruze, laid off thousands of workers in three waves since Mr. Trump’s election. At a rally in Youngstown in 2017, the president promised the jobs in shuttered factories “are all coming back,’’ urging, “Don’t move, don’t sell your houses.’’

Mr. O’Hara advised Democratic presidential candidates not to waste breath trying to win back union voters who supported Mr. Trump.

“I don’t think those Trump people are going to flip back, even if it’s Joe Biden, who has a lot of support in this area,” he said. “I think they’re dug in on Trump. Whatever happens, they’re going to go down with the ship with him.”

Stanley Greenberg, a Democratic pollster, said Democrats have not yet lost the economic argument, and in places like Macomb County, Mich., and western Wisconsin, white voters without a college degree swung back in 2018 — choosing Democrats after embracing Mr. Trump in 2016.

Mr. Greenberg has shown focus groups of unregistered voters Trump tweets boasting the economy was booming. “It was like a get-out-the-vote thing for Democrats,” he said. “People have had so little income gain for so long and are so on the edge that they will not give credit to political leaders, and Trump will find that to be true in 2020.”

In a region like northeast Ohio, it is difficult to untangle the president’s appeal on economics from his tapping of resentment toward demographic and cultural change.

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